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Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials

We know that our existence as well as our success depends one hundred percent on our customers. Seriousness and discrection towards our customers are our prime priority. We look forward to receiving customer testimonials which we can publish on our website and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our loyal customers.

Click here for the FAQ / Rates, the contact form or call us 044 776 90 90

Corporate headquarters:

QLS GmbH, reinigungsagentur.ch
Püntenstrasse 24
8932 Mettmenstetten

Branch offices:

QLS GmbH, reinigungsagentur.ch
Räffelstrasse 11
8045 Zürich

QLS GmbH, reinigungsagentur.ch
Oberneuhofstrasse 5
6340 Baar

QLS GmbH, reinigungsagentur.ch
Oberhof 6
6274 Eschenbach

Tel: 044 776 90 90
E-Mail: info@reinigungsagentur.ch

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